Plant-Based Cell Food

ShanChey Alkaline Electric Fit, Inc.

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SAPPED BY NATURE Vermont Maple Sugar/Minnesota Maple Cream. Anxiety-Probiotic-Prostate-Anemia-Detox

$9.00 - $13.00
On sale
SAPPED BY NATURE Vermont Maple Sugar/Minnesota Maple Cream. Anxiety-Probiotic-Prostate-Anemia-Detox

This is NOT a 100% shelf-stable item-please REFRIDGERATE UPON RECEIPT. It is fine at room temperatures for a few days, but best kept refrigerated for longer use and product integrity. It is natural to see slight separation if not refrigerated-simply stir and enjoy! Place in hot water for a couple of minutes if removing from refrigerator to spread on bread. ⚠️*SHIPS MON-TUES-WED ONLY⚠️


Anxiety/Depression-Probiotic-Prostate-Anemia-Blood Sugar-Sexual Health-Bone-Reproduction-Brain-Heart

Wild. Non-GMO. Free of fillers-additives-preservatives. Our 100% hand-crafted alkaline Sugar Maple Butter/ Cream is one of the creamiest & tastiest-made our wonderful family-owned/ operated small business family partners in Vermont. The natural PURE sap is tapped from wild Vermont Sugar Maple trees located in the great state of Vermont, USA. The syrup from the sap is then boiled by hand over a wood fire and then boiled further over propane flames, cooled and stirred. Nothing is added. EVER! Just ONE ingredient-Maple sap/ syrup! Enjoy on anything requiring a subtle sweet taste! Gives your herbal teas and coffee alternatives that warm-maple flavor and is a great replacement for refined or traditional sweeteners! A True flavor enhancer!

Natural PURE sap is tapped from wild Vermont Sugar Maple trees located in the great state of Vermont, USA. Nothing is added. EVER! Just ONE ingredient-Maple sap/ syrup! Enjoy on/ in anything requiring a subtle sweet taste! Our Sapped By Nature maple sugar gives your herbal teas and coffee alternatives that warm-maple flavor and is a great replacement for refined or traditional sweeteners! A true flavor enhancer! For cold beverages, it's best to start with hot water in order to fully dissolve-add ice cubes or chill & enjoy!

Our Sapped By Nature Maple Sugar is rich in Potassium-Manganese-Magnesium-Antioxidants and natural mineral salts. Our maple sugar is a great source of manganese, a mineral that provides essential energy and antioxidants to the body while boosting the immune system and reducing inflammation. Our maple sugar is an excellent pre-workout & post workout ingredient since it provides energy in the form of simple carbs. The electrolytes from its this natural sugar increases your stamina and the high levels of magnesium and zinc assist with muscle recovery while replenishing the body with nutrients post-workout. The significant manganese and antioxidant levels in our maple sugar can help to calm the nerves, reduce stress as well as depression.

Providing 18% of the recommended dose of the mineral zinc, our Sapped By Nature! is a great source for building a healthier immune system. In fact, it's been proven that men who consume higher levels of zinc-rich foods decrease their chances of having prostate cancer and increase their chances of maintaining a normal sized prostate gland. Let's talk metabolism...our maple sugar provides 30% of the daily recommended riboflavin value needed! It protects the heart-Can prevent diabetes-Normalizes blood sugar-Promotes healthy digestion-Prevents Anemia-Improves Reproduction-Improves sexual health-natural probiotic-protects brain cells-younger looking skin-Bone health.

When a sugar is in its natural form it maintains its natural health qualities and nutritional value. Maple sugar is the same pure deliciousness that is maple syrup, evaporated into a beautiful sugar form. All of the nutritious qualities that make up maple syrup are the same as those that are in maple sugar. Maple sugar contains approx. 11 calories per teaspoon compared to cane-brown-coconut sugar (15-18 calories per teaspoon). The International Maple Syrup Institute confirms that maple syrup contains manganese, riboflavin, zinc, magnesium, calcium and potassium, all of which are necessary to a daily diet.... all of which have shown to be beneficial to heart health and a strong immune system. Other sugars are devoid of vitamins and minerals, or only contain trace amounts, which limits the benefits. Natural maple sugar/ syrup contains 65 antioxidants that are beneficial to human health protecting it from free radicals that can cause cell damage within the body. This cell damage is linked to harmful diseases such as cancer.

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